I was so happy to have a session with Caylin this week to document her upcoming first communion. Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot.
Homeless in Budapest
Homeless in the world
Amazing that we live now in the 21st century and we still have homeless living on the streets. I would imagine it has existed since the first days of humans roaming the earth, some just not conforming or not able to cope with society.
Homelessness is not unique to any country. I’ve traveled quite extensively in my life and am pretty sure I’ve seen it everywhere, from Washington DC to here in a train station in Budapest Hungary.
Along the lines of homelessness, two human beings on two different continents, homeless, jobless, not sure how they will find their way to tomorrow much less a week or year from now. The woman on the right is in Venice, Italy. She sits on this bridge for hours at a time holding out her dish in hopes for a few coins. The man on the left is a from New Orleans originally, chased out by hurricane Katrina. I met him in Miami Beach on a park bench. Same story, homeless, no job, and depends on the good nature of others to help him get through to another day.
It’s hard to know today who really needs our help and which are the ones posing as homeless trying to take advantage of our empathy. When I met the man on the left, I felt his desolation. He felt like he’d already lost the battle and the war and was going from day to day, just going through the motions of living but not really living.